How To Find God

The Man Who Saw God Face To Face
Raphael Okechukwu Nweze

On 31st March, 2012
At Chime Hall, Ezicheke Abagana.

GSM : 08061183399 (Text Messages Only)

Organized By
DivineBase Ministry
Anambra State

         With benedictions from Heaven for mankind and the entire world, I stand to explain the Truth about the God we seek.

My Personal Experiences And Encounters With God Almighty
         I have seen and met God Almighty as:
  1. The Ancient of Days (just as Daniel did in the past).
  2. The Almighty Father (as the Angels usually call Him).
  3. The Pillar of Light (as the Israelites saw Pillar of Cloud and Pillar of Fire).
  4. The Holy Trinity (as St Stephen experienced).
  5. God the Three Suns (Holy Trinity).
  6. God as the Three Supreme Personalities (Holy Trinity).
  7. God on Triple Throne (Holy Trinity).
  8. The Mighty in Battle (as David said in Psalm 24).
  9. The Father in Me (as Jesus often said in the Bible).
  10. God as the Man (as Jeremiah and Ezekiel did).
  11. God as the Swift Wind – Oke Ifufe (as in the Psalms).
  12. God as the Consuming Fire (as Enoch beheld Him in the ancient times).
  13. God in His Radiance – like the Radiance of the Sun (God as the Bright and Glorious One).
  14. God as the Word (as Apostle John stated).
  15. God the Holy Spirit: as Dove (as John the Baptist testified).
  16. God the Holy Spirit: as Warrior Dove (…).
  17. God the Holy Spirit: As a Personality (…).
  18. God as the Omnipresent Light (Holy Spirit).
  19. God as the Bright and Glorious Sun (as stated in Isaiah 60).
  20. God as the Omnipotent (The Lord Almighty).
  21. God as the Victorious V-shaped Rock (The Rock Of Ages).
  22. God as the Lord of Hosts. (Psalm 24).
  23. God as the Healer (Yahweh Rapha).
  24. God the Brightness (In His Presence).
  25. God, the Lord Almighty as the Battle Axe! (DivineBase).
  26. God as the Invisible (....).
  27. God in His Universal Form (Arjunah, Hinduism).
  28. God as the Independent One.
  29. God as a Double Personality (....).
  30. God as God of Perfection (....).
  31. God as God of Simplicity (....).
  32. God as the Creator (....).
  33. God as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah (....).
God Has Been Waiting For You!
         Do you know that God has been waiting for you? What God has done for me, He is ready and willing to do for all His children. The real problem is ignorance and complacence.
         People do not know what they should know, and those who think they already know, know little or nothing.
         There are so many corrections, messages and teachings coming from God to the world. The world and churches should watch, collect and compile them for our own use and for future generations.
         God is God of loving-kindness, mercy and generosity. He is not a terrible God as you have been made to believe. He does not hide Himself as you have been taught. He does not play hide and seek game. Indeed, you will be amazed to know that God has given to the world numerous books and revelations about Himself and the universe. I wonder why many priests and ministers of God prefer to hide these books, and keep on misleading ignorant masses, through religious beliefs and practices, which are personal opinions and collective decisions, made at meetings, councils, synods and conferences, which false beliefs and practices that cannot lead people to Heaven.


         Definitely, everybody would like to know how to find God. Below are the steps you should follow in order to find Him. Individuals and churches should:
  1. Make God your everyday delight.
  2. It is not enough to believe.
  3. Every religion should return to their original sacred texts, as proclaimed and handed down by God through His Messengers.
  4. Ensure purity of heart.
  5. Keep the holy places holy.
  6. Observe laws of holiness.
  7. Re-establish and celebrate the originals feasts of God.
  8. Begin to value and practice prophecy: dreams, visions, trances, etc.
  9. Reduce noise level in the environments. God dwells in silence.
  10. Earnestly seek God, and continue to search until you find Him.
  11. Seek to know yourself (your bright and glorious spirit self).
  12. Talk less, and love more.
  13. Observe quiet times.
  14. Seek God with all your heart.
  15. Practice honesty.
  16. Learn about God from somebody who knows.
  17. Let God’s will be done.
  18. Worship only God.
  19. Emulate God.
Make God Your Everyday Delight
         This is because God is Love, Loving and Beloved.

It Is Not Enough To Believe
         To believe is good. But, it is a disgrace to be an ignorant believer. To know is better. Churches and members must investigate and confirm whatever they believe. Indeed, it is better to test and confirm the Truth one hundred times than to hold one - single - belief that is false.

Return To The Original Sacred Texts
         The sacred texts are the detailed explanations of what God is, how to find Him, how to worship Him, etc. They are specially prepared documents, handed down from Heaven. Every true religion has its own sacred texts. Mankind cannot neglect these writings and expect to find God. Can a traveler get to his destination, when he is taking the wrong route? Learn from the parable of the glorious messengers. Churches that establish man-made system of worship do so at their own deceit and to their own detriment.
         God is not somebody you can deceive with pretense or negligence. Also, the fact that you have practiced something for so many years is never a convincing reason before God.
         One major problem the world has is that most of the juicy contents of the Sacred Texts have not been made public. God has given the world so many books about Himself and life. Ask your reverend ministers, “Where are the books?”
Today, many religions celebrate pagan festivals, in place of God's ordained feasts, because the general public do not know that such pagan festivals have been baptised with Christian names.

Ensure Purity of heart
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
Matthew 5:8
A pure heart is a heart that is:
  1. Devoid of evil. It does not think of evil, let alone do it.
  2. A heart that is open-minded. Somebody who is truly seeking for the Truth is ready to find and know the Truth, not minding whether it is from within or outside his religion, culture, convention, environment, etc.
  3. He is so humble that he learns the Truth from whosoever that knows the Truth.
  4. Not fond of attachment to people, place or thing.
         Purity also means peace of mind. Do not allow the cares and worries of this earthly life to disturb your peace of mind.

How To Make Your Heart Pure
  1. Engage yourself in good thoughts, good words and good actions. Always.
  2. Forget your past sins. God is full of loving-kindness, mercy and generosity.
  3. Forget your past failures. Do not spend your time thinking about them. What you call failures are stepping stones to success. The fact that you recognize them as failures means that you are now wiser than before.
  4. Forget your past regrets. Regret is a burden to the Holy Spirit.
  5. Forget your past disappointments.
  6. Forgive and forget past offences. Forgiveness frees your mind and soul.
  7. Discourage evil reports. Discourage people from bringing evil reports to you, except where it is absolutely necessary.
  8. Avoid pride and pomposity. Give God the glory, because all actions are performed by forces of nature, by the Holy Spirit.
  9. Abstain from evil films and videos. Whatever you watch sows its kind of seeds into your heart and mind.
  10. Avoid excessive desire for this and that. According to God’s commandants, you should not desire what belongs to another person.
  11. To keep your heart always pure, think of helping others in which ever way possible.
  12. Observes quiet times for peace, refreshment and cleansing.
  13. Ensure decency in dressing, in thoughts, in words and in actions.
  14. Consider God’s statement, “It has been very hard for me to come in the midst of mankind; anybody who wants to find me should practice and ensure purity.” This statement means that God will not come in the midst of people where there are distractions and fears, cares and worries, hustles and bustles, noisy and boisterous life, indecency and immorality, regrets and grudges, lust and attachment.
Causes And Remedies For Impurity
         Impurity is caused by intention, attention, contact and acceptance.
         By intention, when a person has evil intention, such as to steal, to slander, or to kill.
         By attention, when a person places his attention or gaze on what is evil, especially because he likes it or delights in it. Today, people pay attenttion to evil by watching all kinds of evil films: rape, violence, murder, stealing, fraud, etc.
         By contact, when something evil touches a person.
         By acceptance, when an evil is accepted or welcome without any move to reject or refuse it.

         Therefore, a person can restore (regain) his purity by repentance, detachment, separation and rejection.
         By repentance, a person refrains from evil intentions, in order to do good (good intentions).
         By detachment, a person does not place his attention on the object of evil, especially because his life does not depend on the object.
         By separation, a person avoids contact with what is evil.
         By rejection, a person shows beyond all reasonable doubt that he does not accept or welcome the evil.

During the time of Jesus, many were pure in heart;
but they were not open-mined.
And among those that were open-minded,
many were not humble enough
to learn from the young Jesus.

How To Keep The Holy Places Holy
         The best way to welcome the Spirit in our midst is by keeping the Holy places holy:

         Observing Cleanliness as next to Godliness.
         During worship you see:
  1. Children urinating here and there. The adult feel it does not matter. We seem to forget that a child’s urine has the same characteristics as an adult’s urine: the same waste, the same odour, the same colour, the same chemistry, the same decomposition, etc.
  2. Even adults join in the practice.
  3. Children stooling (defecating) here and there.
  4. A reverend is at the altar, with his eyes he sees the Holy Communion, and with the same eyes he sees urine, faeces and nakedness.
  5. Believers spit here and there within the church premises. And they feel it does not matter. We forgot that saliva is also waste product from the body. Nobody would like to be spat upon. Yet, people spit here and there in the church premises.
  6. Some churches now add toilets and bathrooms, to their sacristies, church or altar. It should not be so.
         Believers and churches should observe the following rules:
  1. No spitting within the church premises.
  2. No urination, except in a well located toilet and urinary.
  3. No defecating.
  4. No throwing of refuse over the church walls. The walls are the defence line of the Angels; they move along the walls to defend the churches and congregation as well as battle against the forces of darkness.
  5. Outside the church compound (not outside the church building), people must not urinate on the wall or very close to it.
12 "Also you shall have a place outside the camp, where you may go out; 13 and you shall have an implement among your equipment, and when you sit down outside, you shall dig with it and turn and cover your refuse. 14 For the LORD your God walks in the midst of your camp, to deliver you and give your enemies over to you; therefore your camp shall be holy, that He may see no unclean thing among you, and turn away from you. Deuteronomy 23:12-14

See Details In How To Keep Holy Places Holy

Observe Laws Of Holiness
         There is no sacred text or holy book that stipulates that married people cannot see God. Among the great men of the Bible that saw God, majority were married. Even Solomon, who married 700 wives and 300 concubines, saw God Almighty. Other married men that saw God were: Abraham, who had 3 wives; Jacob, who had 4 wives; Moses, who had 2 wives; and David, who had 7 wives.
         The law of Holiness states that people who have had sexual intercourse should not enter the holy place until it is evening (for about 12 to 24 hours). For God to be present, people should abstain from sex for at least 3 days.

10 Then the LORD said to Moses, "Go to the people and consecrate them today and tomorrow, and let them wash their clothes. 11 And let them be ready for the third day. For on the third day the LORD will come down upon Mount Sinai in the sight of all the people. … 14 So Moses went down from the mountain to the people and sanctified the people, and they washed their clothes. 15 And he said to the people, "Be ready for the third day; do not come near your wives." Exodus 19:10-15

Also, there is no sacred text or holy book that states that ministers of God should not marry. Even today, the married ministers of God perform far better than those who are not married, in healing, deliverance, ministration, prophecy, etc. Obey the commandments of God, not man-made doctrines. Follow the directives of the Holy Spirit. “Obedience is better than sacrifice.”

Re-Establish And Celebrate The Originals Feasts Of God
         One character of God is that He participates in the true worships. In fact, He delights to be in the midst of His people. Then, He manifests Himself beyond all reasonable doubts. In all the feasts of God which I attended, and which feasts were established by God Himself, I saw God Almighty present in those feasts. Also present were Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit and the Heavenly Angels and Saints. Those who celebrate man-made festivals delay their spiritual progress.

8 "These people draw near to Me with their mouth,
and honor Me with their lips,
But their heart is far from Me.
9 And in vain they worship Me,
Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.'"

Matthew 15:8-9

It is a mark of foolishness to stand in one’s own church
and condemn others in their own system of worship,
when you have not investigated their worship.

Value And Practice Prophecy
         The pagans would happily and confidently tell you what their god or shrine said. In matters of importance, they consult their god. The scientist would go into his laboratory and come out with definite results. The computer operator would print and show you what computer has done. How come that the Almighty God, who made all these things possible, does not speak? Can an employee of an organization claim to be working for the company, when he does not follow instructions from the management? Or, have you ever seen a well trained soldier who does not follow directives from his headquarters?

Reduce Noise Level In Our Environments
         Noise is a nuisance. Noise is not good to our health. Noise is not good to our spiritual growth. That is why Jesus told the disciples, “Come away to a lonely place by yourselves, and have rest for your souls.” The society, government and churches should provide quiet gardens of beautiful flowers for people to rest and meditate. Discourage every form of noise, and remove all noisy schools from the churches and holy places.

Find God Where He Is
         God said “And Ye shall seek me and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart,” Jeremiah 29:23.
         How do you search for something? You search everywhere, every nook and cranny, inside the home and outside. Besides, you search for the object where it is and where it is not. You will leave no stone unturned. Again, you do not search and stop. Instead, you continue to search until you find.
         But what do the majority do? They do not search for the Truth. Many play safe by expecting others to search for them. They prefer to believe whatever their religions tell them. By the time the enlightened ones are no longer in their midst, the society becomes a reality of blind men leading a blind people. Jesus said it correctly,

“Let them alone: they are the blind leaders of the blind.
And if the blind lead the blind, both
shall fall into the ditch (pit)”

Mathew 15:14

What is more?
Whoever that follows a blind man,
makes himself a blind fellow.

…Raphael Nweze

         If Nicodemus had not moved out by night to meet Jesus, he would not have found the Truth. In other words, if you do not search out the Truth by yourself, ignorant people will mislead you into falsehood, and yet claim to be doing a good thing for you.
         Search for God in the following places:
  1. Silence and quietness
  2. Your heart (within you)
  3. Holy Places
  4. Nature
  5. Universe
  6. Spirit
  7. Charity
  8. Prayer
  9. Prophecy: dreams, visions, trances, etc.
  10. Sacred texts
  11. Songs and worships
  12. Chanting of His name
  13. Festivals established by God (Not man-made feasts)
  14. Love, Life and Truth
Any person who does not know himself,
has not started to learn.

         You are a spirit. This spirit is life. It is light; that is why it can appear or disappear. It is beautiful and glorious. It is bright in nature, such that its presence alone provides light to the surroundings. This spirit does not see in one direction only, like the human body which has two eyes that always look forward. The spirit can see in all directions, 360° x 360°.
         The spirit is the eternal self. It was, it is, and it shall be. It does not die. Whenever the spirit enters into a body, the body becomes alive. The body can be destroyed, burnt, crushed or cut in pieces, but not the spirit. Death simply means that the spirit has left the body. The spirit continues to live. Hence, birth is not the beginning of life, and death is not the end of life.
         The spirit is itself full of good things of life; love, peace, joy, safety, harmony, kindness, wisdom, and yet silent.
         Truth is what it is, whether you believe it or not. However, your belief is like a key; it either opens the door of understanding for you or locks you out. Hence, those who are excluded, exclude themselves. An Igbo adage says that, “the person who has expelled himself from the ship says that the ship did not accommodate him.” That is why Jesus often said, “According to your faith...”

Desist From Too Much Talking. Instead, Love More
         Encourage silence, and discourage irrelevant talks. When you talk, you exercise the body which is not yourself. But when you are silent, you exercise the soul and spirit. Spirit talks to spirit in silence. That is why God says, Be still, and know that I am God: ... Isaiah 46:10

Observe Moment Of Silence, Quietness And Peace.
         About quietness, Jesus said

"Come away to a lonely place by yourselves and have rest for your souls."

         Being quiet or silent does not mean that you will not perform your duties. Both quietness and work are useful to you. You should have a time when you rest. Do not allow the ups and downs of life to disorganize your peace of mind. Seek God with all your heart

Why A Person May Not Be Worthy To Enter The Kingdom
You are not zealous enough.
In learning about God.
In hearing messages from God.
In investigating the things of spirit.
You have not shown yourself worthy enough
to enter the kingdom.